
Manage your Asthma with juli

juli can help you monitor your daily asthma situation: inhaler usage, O2 saturation, shortness or breath episodes and more. Identify the triggers that influence your health. Get the app now!


See your health data

We connect previously unconnected health data from a step counter to your smartphone or smartwatch so you can monitor:

  • inhaler usage and medication intake

  • O2 saturation and peak flow

  • sleep, steps and workout

  • weather, air quality or pollen forecast.

On a personalized dashboard you get a perfect overview of your current situation

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Stay in control of your asthma

On a daily basis we’ll ask you a couple of questions about your asthma situation so you can track that over time. Every two weeks we’ll ask a few more questions to give you a broader picture.


See an analysis

You may see trends and correlations in our dashboard:

  • How does your asthma affect your sleep?

  • Do you use your inhaler in spring more than in the fall?

  • How does the biweekly assessment change over time?

  • And to what extent does your asthma influence your mood?

All these questions are answered and can be seen within different time frames. Managing your asthma has never been so easy!


 Scientifically backed up

juli is based on research by Dr. Joseph F. Hayes from the University College London. His work is based on the use of large electronic health record and register data i.e. to understand the aetiology, treatment and prognosis of severe mental illnesses. His research is cited in international policy documents and treatment guidelines, including the World Health Organisation, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Hayes is one of the four cofounders of juli.

Dr. Joseph F. Hayes, University College London

Dr. Joseph F. Hayes, University College London


 Get the app now!